Monday, October 8, 2012


I'd been chased by zombies for a while when I realised I'd had enough of the dream, that it was a dream, and started yelling at myself "wake up! wake up right now!" It didn't work and I ducked behind a shelf or something against a wall and watched zombies walk past while I thought about what to do. One stopped in front of me and started eating a person. It was Hugo.

I got to a house which was relatively safe for a while. I'd met up with other people and there were cars nearby, but as we were going to them there were small zombie creatures which would set themselves on fire and then attempt to cling to you so you would catch on fire as well. I was smashing them with a stick and they were making squeek noises like a dog toy as they died.

We got to the cars and I started asking who we could ride with as our car wasn't there. Simon said everyone had to go in their own car and I was majorly pissed, but then Tom let us go with him. He had a stretch mini...

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