Thursday, July 21, 2011

Head Wizard

Entering my room in a tower I see my dragon egg on the window sill. It has stopped moving and I fear it has failed to hatch. I hear noses outside and see two wizards fighting - one wearing black and the other white. The white one falls and the black one disappears.

I rush from the room and down winding stairs to a different area of the huge castle - to the white wizards room. As I enter the wizards library a floating transparent head appears and begins to speak. It tells me that if I am seeing it then he must be dead and it is my fault. I should have used my magic to hatch my dragon egg and have it carry me from the window to interrupt the fight - a fight that the white wizard started to test my skills.

I am exclaiming to the floating wizard head message that my dragon didn't hatch and he hadn't taught me the spells he is talking about when I realise that one of the other teachers is standing behind me. She has a grim expression and I start exclaiming to her how stupid it is and that I can't be held accountable for this.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Secret Room

We went around to Dave's new place and I asked him how things were going. He says "pretty good" then presses a secret button and the wall behind him opens up a giant room that has a large shallow pool with a fountain, sand sculptures and a hot tub. It was like the secret "executives bathroom" from The Simpsons.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Public Transport

I got to the end of the line just as another bus arrived at the terminal. It parked behind the first two buses and opened its doors straight away so quite a few people got on. When there were only 25 seats left the bus driver closed the doors to leave. The other two buses pulled away at the same time and we saw there were still a lot of people lining up.

As we were driving away we noticed one of the other buses had pulled up beside us. It was packed and the driver started having an argument with our driver about leaving before he had a full load. Our driver started cursing at the other driver saying that he still had other stops before getting to the city and what if other people wanted to get on the bus then. He exclaims he usually picks up 20 people on the way (hmm that still means there would have been seats free...)

We continued on to the city without picking up a single other person. I think our driver got into trouble...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Finish Him

I was watching a sword fighting melee. I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but the back of one of the fighters heads was cut open and his brain was exposed. He screamed for someone to "finish it" and someone chopped his head of at the neck. I look down and realise I'm wearing fighting equipment and carrying a sword. There is no way I am going in there... I speak to the quartermaster about forfeiting but it is not allowed. There are only minutes to go before I have to step into the ring so I duck under one of the raised viewing platforms and remove my armour then slip out the back and duck down an alley. I find a dress and change into it and hope I'm not missed...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

To Space!!

I was an astronaut about to take my first trip into orbit. We were put into the space ship, but then it needed to be moved by truck to the launch site. While that was happening we took our seats and started final checks. I found crumbs from schnitzel and chips on my seat so the first thing out of my mouth when the commander asked for my checks was "Where is the hoover? Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I should have to clean this shit!!"

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Un-Stage Show

We were at a stage show a bit like Wizard of Oz meets Harry Potter but instead of being on a stage it was at ground level behind a fence. There were some amazing moving props and people were enjoying it more like a band, going to get drinks and coming back to see a bit more.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Disk Phenomenon

On an alien planet people were dying. A huge round disk would raise up out of the ground lifting you high into the sky... after it descended you would just be dead. There was only one survivor and she came back to Earth. Each year the same strange phenomenon would happen to her, but she would survive. She would know when it is coming so she would head to an isolated area of land and the huge blue platform would lift her up - sometimes as high as the Earths atmosphere - and then return her to the ground and disappear again. For some reason her platform had a force field that maintained the same conditions as ground level.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Blue Alien Game

We'd been developing a new game where little blue men create a whole world from a fairly uninhabitable looking planet. I was supposed to test it, but I'd left it running for 6 hours while I did other things. I didn't realise you had to keep watch on what the little guys were doing and they'd got a whole supply chain muddled up and needed me to help them finish their pyramid. Just as I was getting them sorted again we were invaded by big white grasshopper aliens and half of my colony got wiped out.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hot Pockets

Feeling hungry, we broke into someone's apartment to microwave our hot pockets. We had a key, but didn't realise that there was an alarm. As it started to sound I refused to leave as my hot pocket had another 20 seconds left. As soon as the microwave dinged, we ran for the elevator. One of the lifts was coming up and we thought it might be the police coming up to check out the alarm so we ran down the stairwell one floor and caught the elevator from there instead.