Saturday, May 28, 2011

So Many Hats!

I was taking an art class with Alison and once that finished we went down four escalators to get out of the shopping mall. Luckily we were going down because most of the up escalators ended in mid air and I imagine people going up them were going to fall off, but we didn't stay to find out. Outside, we went to Alisons car to go home, but she had to adjust a lot of nuts and bolts before we could leave, specifically the ones on the sun roof...

Finally we were on our way and we drove up a dirt road past an old building with chairs set up out the front in rows. They all had different hats on them - all sorts of colours, styles and many decorated with coloured ribbons and flowers in stark contrast to the building and rest of the scenery. Then we went past a horse which was pulling an elaborate black carriage before finding the bitumen road again and heading home.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Lego Car

I made a life size car out of lego. It was like a giant lego crate with little wheels and an engine in the front somehow. A bully tried to break it, but I sure showed her! Then I showed my mum how to drive it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Giant Soccer

I was driving in a city when suddenly a set of lights started flicking colours and there was traffic chaos. Everyone got out of their cars and we could hear a booming noise in the distance that was getting closer. It was about 20 giants and they were playing soccer. We were all instructed to head to the stadium and watch them and if we didn't it was liekely they would use us as soccer balls.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Colouring In

I was visiting my old work, except instead of an IT company it was now a kawaii store like Morning Glory and we all sat down at a table and drew pictures on large sheets of paper with textas.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Angry Letter!

I noticed that a stretch of shops all had eviction notifications out the front. Someone I knew had been putting them up. I yelled at her for destroying the livelyhood of so many people, then went to slam the door, but it was a soft close door and really didn't have the effect I was looking for. I tried to slam it a second time...

Next I started visiting each of the shops to find out what was going on. The eviction notice stated they should have been out 3 days ago, but they had only just found out. I was going to write a very angry letter to the council.

(yeah... that's how I roll)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mushrooms and Fake Moustaches

Alien parasites had infiltrated my town - the kind that attach themselves, but let the person continue to move around as normal, until they have enough in place that they could take over almost everyone. Of course, I was not infected so I was escaping through a tunnel with two children. Except the tunnel was above ground and was made out of pallets which needed to be moved around in order to crawl through, and there were mushrooms everywhere. I think they were the magic kind...

At the end of the pallet tunnel was a burlesque bar and the door was curved at the top like you would expect to see in a castle. In order to get the kids in they dressed up like pimps with fake moustaches. The disguise completely fooled our alien overlords.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tea and Cake!

A lovely dream... A cup of tea, a piece of chocolate cake and the company of mixed media artist Suzi Blu who was quilting instead of painting while sitting in a sunroom which faced South (that was important). Then the neighbour brought over her big dogs and they were trying to get the cake from the kitchen table. No doggies! No cake for you!!

Coincidentally Suzi Blu's blog is called "A Lovely Dream"...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lordi Hallelujah

I was at an anime convention and was tired of being followed by a couple of guys so I went into an office building where I ripped the tulle off my skirt so I would look more like a receptionist. I accidentally interrupted a board room meeting, then locked myself in a bathroom. When the guys found me they were able to open the door a small way as it had one of those little chain locks and one of them gave me a frozen pizza. The other said I could never beat him at hide and seek.

The dream changed and I was riding on the roof of a bus in Finland. I got off at my stop and walked past a house which was having a party. I shook Mr Lordi's hand and Hard Rock Hallelujah started to play, then I noticed how dark and creepy Finland was and how there was only one street of houses...

Unfortunately my alarm went off before I could see what it was that was about to emerge from the darkness.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Carpark Parkour

A strangely mangled dream barely remembered about a guy with a shaved head. He was doing Parkour to try to evade cops who had barricades and road blocks in a car park to try and catch him for some reason. Also the guy was a sculptor...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Giant Wings and Mortal Combat

"You haven't even started the essay?" No I hadn't, so I needed to get home. I was offered a lift by someone I knew and we hadn't even gone 2 minutes before I yell "the road is blocked!" and he crashes through a fence. "Stop the damn car" I yell as he almost drives into a creek. "Idiot! The creek is on the other side of the road too!!" as he does a u-turn and this time does drive into the creek. I climb out of the window and get back to dry land, then walk back to where I started.

"That didn't work out, did it?" Says John. "Where's Ale?" I ask. "Oh you can't see her anymore"... I'm confused, but decide to just go home. I start walking and the dog I had when I was little is by my side.

I stop to rest and see Ale wearing giant paper wings walk past. (what the hell...) "It would be a good idea to see if your name is on one of the cards in the Newsagent" (wait... where did the newsagent come from?) I find one that says "Kelly vs John.... FIGHT!" in Mortal Combat style... wait, no this one is for Ale and is from someone she knows. I give it to her and she is really happy, but I am still laughing about the Mortal Combat reference and the dream collapses.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Apples for Duchess

I was the Duchess of Canterbury around 100 years ago (or it could have been 1400-1500CE judging by the morphing dream fashion and strange sense of time). After arriving at church it is discovered that in another church a lord has been murdered and the blame is being laid at my feet. Since the clergy had been witness to my being in their church at the time the murder is said to have taken place they give me sanctuary and attempt to discover what really happened. I am made to wait in a luxuriously furnished tower room and feel a bit like Mary Queen of Scots.

The dream morphs as I stop reading my book and exit the bus. I walk to the supermarket and a man with a trolley of groceries asks for a volunteer. I step forward as no one else is willing and he announces that I have won all the items in the trolley. I feel happy at seeing a nice bag of red apples on the top.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

At the Office

After walking up and down multiple flights of stairs to get back to work after lunch I found several people I know had just dropped in to say "Hi". They then proceeded to do magic tricks with a deck of cards and a ball of wool.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mermaid Tales

I was a mermaid that was living on land and my hair was really really long but I had to cut off exactly 1 foot every year and throw it in the ocean or I would loose my legs. Also I lived on Jack Sparrows ship from Pirates of the Carribean and slept in a tent with the chickens...