Friday, September 9, 2011

Falling Down Syndrome

I can't remember what I was doing, but a man appeared yelling at me and trying to grab me so I kicked him in the balls and ran off. (A perfectly natural reaction since I was only about 10 years old in this dream)

I kept falling over and a woman videotaped me on her camera phone, but my older brother saw her and grabbed her phone. She demanded it back so he threw it hard on the ground and we heard and audible crack. He helped me up and we walked to his house. I was holding his hand, and I fell over a couple more times.

When we got to his house I noticed the back door was open and the creepy man was there. I yelled at my brother "Why would you let him in?" and he said "I'm not really you’re brother." I got confused at this and woke up.

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