Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Foxy Lady

I was watching an exotic dancer and near the end of her act she sat kneeling down with her back to us and she transformed into a fox woman. I realised that I would be able to transform too, but I didn't know how so I watched carefully, then afterwards had my body guards introduce her to me so that I could ask her questions about how she transformed.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I'll Form The Head

I was at work and I received a phone call from someone wanting a website. After they explained what they wanted me to do they proceeded to tell me that they would only pay $2-3 and it had to be done by the end of the week....

After work I went to the station to wait for my bus, but instead of a bus a train arrived, and it was a steam train but there were no carriages, just the engine. It blew the whistle and then continued through the station.

I walked to a room and someone asked about a cosplay I was building. Luckily the 5 other people I was making it with were there so we could show how our giant Gundam suit went together and how we had planned it so we'd each be a part and we'd join together to complete the robot. ("And I'll form the head!"... actually I was an arm)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Eunuch and Sweet Cakes

A Eunuch gathered a large group of young women and led us to a dining hall in a large manor house. There was a long banquet table lined with tea and sweet cakes of every imaginable kind. At the end of the hall was a set of double doors. Every now and then the door would open and the Eunuch would take one of the girls to go inside. Sometimes we'd hear screams from the other side.

Behind the door rumours said that the lord of the manor had his bed chamber. I couldn't make out whether he was a vampire or just had a penchant for young women - possibly raping and mutilating them. I started to ask questions, but was silenced and woke up...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Of Rice and Men

There was a turkey that was not well so I put one of my chickens with it for company. Elsie was scared of it and not happy. I had to take her away again but the turkey liked its chicken friend and was following me around.

Then we found a German shepherd dog and it had to go to the pound. Two men put it in a small room in a building. The room was made of concrete with a wire door, but it was also then put in a smaller cage inside this because they were worried it would get into the rice store. I thought this was cruel so when they were putting the dog in the little cage I locked the wire door with a padlock. Turns out they were Nazi's and the rice was stolen.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Murder and Pringles

We were setting up tables and chairs on an oval. The chairs had to be built from scratch from flat packs and the oval was near a block of units. I kept hearing conversations from one of the units and it sounded like a man was beating his wife. After collecting several lots of chair packs I stopped for a rest under the unit to try and hear more. I leaned against a hedge and the wife's head fell out of the bushes.

Horrified I tried to tell people I was working with but only one other person listened. The man (who incidentally was Jhonen Vasquez) knew that we knew he'd killed his wife so he was attempting to get us away from the others so he could kill us too. We hid on board a train that was heading to a different town. When the train stopped we were discovered on board and had to pay for all the pringles the crew had eaten.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Getting the Band Back Together

A few people I knew in highschool had invited me for a few drinks and a catchup, but their motive was to get the band back together. We played a couple of tunes, with myself on the bass guitar, and while we sounded good I ultimately said it wasn't going to happen and I had no real interest in playing with them more.

(incidentally I have never played in a band, not even in highschool...)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Big Wizards

I was on my way to an anime convention and noticed a friend had a large pram and her two small cousins were inside. We had to go down a very slippery steep road, over a creek and up another hill to get to our destination... with the pram. It was a struggle.

At the top of the hill we found a large rotunda instead of a convention and people were sitting waiting for someone to arrive. It was supposed to be a teacher of some sort, but Gargamel who was about 20 feet tall (from the smurfs) arrived with Luggage (form Discworld). He was angry and we were all scared and everyone started running in different directions. We saw a car, but we couldn't use it because it had 5 large diamonds chained to the bumper with heavy chain which prevented it from starting. We tried to cut the chains, then someone said they had the keys to unlock the chains and we had to work out which of the 5 keys went with each chain... Gargamel discovered us and asked us why we were trying to steal his car.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I was in a newsagent talking with the salesperson and a woman came up to buy a card. She was 15 cents short and got really angry and was yelling about how they must have increased prices recently. I got annoyed at how rude she was and told her not to speak to the salesperson like that. I ended up paying the 15 cents just to make her shut up and go away.

Next I went to join a line for something and a really fat woman rushed over and pushed her way in front of me just as I got to the end of the line. She then called her fat husband and son over as well and I got irrate and started telling her off for pushing in. She conceded to go behind me and then stood as close as possible so I could feel her breath. Ick. I wanted to punch her so badly but figured at her size she would probably fair better in a physical fight.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Refugee Status?

I was a refugee from somewhere and I'd been given 3 cats and my own room with 2 bunk beds - that makes a bed for each of us. The room was full of art books and inspiration and music and awesome things so every day I would draw and create. There was an overall feeling not to get too comfortable because it could all be taken away at any point.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Golden Road

At work it was raining heavily and the building manager was attempting to close the roof. The roof had various layers like petals that weren't quite overlapping so we were moving electronic equipment and setting up buckets. Once that was done I decided to go home and was thankful for an umbrella.*

I walked through the mall past a street artist who was gilding the foot path. Literally a yellow brick road - bricks covered with gold leaf. I turned down a side alley and there was a costume store. One of the costumes that caught my eye was supposed to be one of the thundercats, but it was made out of laytex and the idea was to sew yourself into it and then body paint the rest... There were several people I knew from highschool in the shop looking at the costumes so I stopped to say hi.

* later this same day I discovered a leak in my roof and had to get into the ceiling space to fix it... damn prophetic dreams!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Raw Parking

We needed food for the chickens so we got in the car with my grandparents and started driving to the store. Half way there we stopped in the middle of a round about and everyone got out. "You can't park here!" I said, and no-one listened, so I had to run round to the drivers side while people honked their horns at me and I drove the rest of the way. Instead of buying grain, we bought minced meat for the chickens, but everyone got back in the car and started eating the meat raw. Ewww...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Puzzles & Water

Being chased by a bad guy reaches new levels of fun when you realise you need two types of keys which can only be obtained by solving a complex puzzle involving levers and gears. I pulled on lever which flipped a huge wheel onto its side releasing all the water out of the pool. The wheel rolled onto a round knot that was previously hidden under the water and a previously hidden compartment opened in the rock face. There were two keys and inside and once they were fitted to the right lock and three barely visible machine screws were tightened (where did that screwdriver come from?) the whole cliff rumbled and opened.

We followed a path around and were climbing up onto a narrow concrete edge on a dam when the bad guy who I had cast as my uncle caught up to us. We managed to get to the top of the dam wall and opened a valve that caused the bottom area to flood which made following us impossible.

Further on I was jogging down a road and it started to rain. I sheltered under a bus shelter, then realised it wasn't raining that hard and my house was only a 5 minute jog away so I ran for it. But it turns out my house wasn't there after all, it was actually a shopping centre... at least I could get dry...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Night Monsters

Every night as it got dark creatures would come out and terrorise everyone. The only way to get rid of them were with our magic wands which were like light sabers. As the light passed through the creature it would disappear back to the parallel universe it was from. We went to our tent and there was a huge bear shaped creature sleeping nearby. We didn't bother it, but got rid of two smallf lying creatures on the way. We couldn't sleep so we got up again and were walking around. The bear woke up and rushed at us. I'd forgotten my wand, but bluffed it by pretending to attack. It fell for it and luckily stopped attacking us but my friend was annoyed that I'd forgotten my wand because the thing would have killed us otherwise.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dream Troll

I was chatting on MSN to an old friend who is into metal music and he invites me to add 6 other people to the chat and they're all sharing links and pictures. I've got my music on so it updates my MSN as each song changes. Someone jokes about a particular song by Icehouse which makes the friend rage and I realise that I have that song, so I put it on. I troll people even in my dreams XD

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Perfect Defenses

I was renovating my house and had painted all the downstairs rooms. I walk upstairs and realise that there is a door which opens to the outside, but instead of a balcony it is a sheer drop straight down into a canal. I think how perfect this is as it provides great defenses for the pirate ship and I have an anvil on a metal chain that I'll be able to drop through the door which will hopefully crash through the ship and sink it.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Beware the Bears

It is night and I am driving with Mark from house to house in a circuit - after going around the 4 or 5 different places the road loops around and starts from the beginning again. The roads are dirt and most of the houses are for chickens. We don't stop, but continue to a house where two people live and make cake. It is the only safe place to stop because of the bears.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Planetary Portals

I am in a large room with many doors leading from it. There is a large symbol/seal on the stone floor. If opened correctly each of the doors create a portal to another world. I open one which is a portal to Ulysses, but the world doesn't seem right. Corruption has taken over and greed has pushed most of the population - whom are each at least 4 times larger than a human - into poverty. We go back to Earth and people are guarding our portal door. The issues on Ulysses were caused after Earth liberated them from a dictator and started buying up their ore, but now we worry they are looking to our green planet with envious eyes.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Creek Conflict

A walk along a creek with my dog turned abruptly sour when 3 vehicles aimed for me. I jumped the creek and went up an incline amongst some large rocks and trees and 3 people got out of their cars and followed. My dog disappeared and suddenly I had a gun in my hand. I shot 2 of the people then got away while the third saw to his comrades.