Monday, August 15, 2011

Puzzles & Water

Being chased by a bad guy reaches new levels of fun when you realise you need two types of keys which can only be obtained by solving a complex puzzle involving levers and gears. I pulled on lever which flipped a huge wheel onto its side releasing all the water out of the pool. The wheel rolled onto a round knot that was previously hidden under the water and a previously hidden compartment opened in the rock face. There were two keys and inside and once they were fitted to the right lock and three barely visible machine screws were tightened (where did that screwdriver come from?) the whole cliff rumbled and opened.

We followed a path around and were climbing up onto a narrow concrete edge on a dam when the bad guy who I had cast as my uncle caught up to us. We managed to get to the top of the dam wall and opened a valve that caused the bottom area to flood which made following us impossible.

Further on I was jogging down a road and it started to rain. I sheltered under a bus shelter, then realised it wasn't raining that hard and my house was only a 5 minute jog away so I ran for it. But it turns out my house wasn't there after all, it was actually a shopping centre... at least I could get dry...

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