Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Our friend posted to twitter that he was making a strawberry milkshake and had heard a noise outside which scared the crap out of him but later turned out to be his new neighbour. Then he got embarrassed and ranty that it would ruin his reputation. I thought that was funny and smsed Mark to have a look while I was sweeping the paths around the house.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Scuba Chess

Two men were wearing scuba gear and had explored through a series if pipes in a huge water system. They were sitting in a large square drain room playing chess. The chess pieces were made of gold. Gargamel had discovered this and had crept around to the top if this room where a hatch could be opened. As he began to open the hatch he saw movement and stopped... 4 men burst through an opening to the left, scattering chess pieces and arresting the scuba men. A few pieces were left behind so Gargamel could wait and retrieve those later.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Zombie Game

I was in a large house which was possibly haunted. There was a cut scene and then I was able to make choices about what to look at and where to go. I ended up outside and there were zombies everywhere. As they attacked I could use 2 special moves. One was a kick that was only good against one zombie at a time, and the other created a big wind that pushed many zombies over at once, but I could only use it a few times in a row.

After walking along a river killing zombies and up to an open area with a grassed sports field I found my wind attack wasn't working anymore. Another person joined me and started killing the zombies with swords and we found a bunker to go into. I was holding the heavy door closed while we read a map to try and work out where to go next.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Dragon Power

I was to do battle with a sword wielding man... like a previous dream half remembered I ran and hailed a ride in a passing car. The guy chased on foot. Half way to a small town he ran past us unbelievably fast. I realised I could do that too... with dragon power!

I called down a green dragon for strength, a red dragon for power, a yellow dragon for speed and a blue dragon for courage then met the man for battle.

He shed single tear for it turns out that I was his apprentice, but noone wanted to watch our battle because dinner was ready...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Righteous Wrath

Some trendy girls were mocking op shops while complaining about the price of clothes. I took them into one shop to show them that you can find nice things sometimes if you look. We found a pair of green Doc Martin shoes for $10 in a perfect size bit one of the girls stole them. I got really angry at her... so angry the walls shook opening a crack and causing the ceiling to fall in one corner.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Broken Glass

I had been walking along a steep path barefoot and decided to run some of the way home. Suddenly felt a sharp pain in my left foot and saw blood. I had stepped on a large shard of glass and cut my foot severely... yet l walked home the rest of the way and had someone help remove the glass with a pair of pliers. No hospital for me!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Take Home

I was picking up some things and carrying them back home. It was very awkward as I had to carry two large photo frames, a folder of work, a big fluffy cat and a Boost Juice.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lizard Egg

I was playing with some little birds when I heard a noise behind me. The last egg hatched, but it wasn't another bird... it was a lizard that grew quickly to te size of a komodo dragon. It was an introduced pest species so we tried to catch it in a cat carrier so we could kill it but it was very hard to get in the little cage and when we finally got it in there it thrashed about very violently.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Viking War

The vikings were gathering to go to war. There were two war parties - one that would go to a battle with a relatively good chance of success and one that was more like a suicide mission. Guess which straw I drew. I said there was no way I was going to go and a big guy laughed as he slapped me on the back and put a helmet on my head.

Luckily I wasn't in mortal danger... but there was an epic scrabble battle!

Monday, November 7, 2011

New Old King

There was a struggle for the next in line of succession as the queen was getting older. She had taken to hiding her seals of office for fear someone would put her seal on a document that would strip her of her power. In order to combat her rivals she decided her old consort would be made into a king in his own right.

This meant the king (me) would have to take the decree and do a meet and greet with the people. For the first time in years I ventured outside without an escort. Knowing this in itself wouldn't be a problem as I was well loved I confidently walked out. It was raining a little so I clicked my fingers and pointed up expecting umbrellas to be held, then looked around in surprise finally remembering there would be no servants on this trip.

At the first verandah I was already soaked through. The man who answered the door thought I was a beggar and offered me food. When I explained who I was he took me and showed me many problems with the city. People homeless and living in other peoples roof-spaces. Drug addicts that were homed with the disabled and infirm because there was nowhere else for them to go. I swore I would do everything within my new power to provide more resources and funding for the people.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Derranged Gunman

I was going to the bank, but before I walked in some people stopped me and said there was an armed robber inside. I realised I left my bags back where I'd come from so I went back for them, then started heading to the bank again. A school teacher stopped me and said we should go a different way.

We were walking past a building and to my right I noticed a guy with a gun trying to pull me into a room. I said "No thanks" and pretended not to notice his gun and walked on. He pulled the school teacher into the building instead. As soon as I got around the corner I run for it to where there was a crowd of children (I was a child too now) waiting to get on a bus. Before the buses left the guy with the gun lined us all up.

I tried to call the police before he noticed and after getting a few words through put the sound on silent but left the call connected in my bag hoping they could hear the guy talking. He lined us up and was giving everyone weapons. The first people got machine guns loaded with bullets. A few people got sticks of dynamite that looked like relay batons. I was given a small round bomb that was covered in a Cadbury cream egg wrapper and the guy told me with a grin "You're clean up... that one is going to make one hell of a bang. Don't worry. I've got the remote for that one."

We were all instructed to get on the bus which didn't have any seats inside. From outside he yells "You have 10 seconds to start killing each other, or we'll kill you from outside." I tell one kid to shoot out the windows which he does and I try and make a run for it.

At this point the dream fractured into 3 dreams. One had a car crash in front of me, but it was not bad and I threw away the bomb then slipped into the first car and had the driver take me away while I called the police again. Fragment 2 was me slipping across the road into a golf course and throwing the bomb into a lake. Fragment 3 was the bomb starting to beep and I threw it wildly where it exploded a petrol station.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Immortal Dinosaurs

There was a tyrannosaurus that was eating everyone and couldn't be killed because he had a belt on that made him immortal. I tricked him into trading belts with me and then lured him towards some hungry dragons by having him chase a dog that he wanted to eat. The dragons flew down and carried off the dinosaur.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Not my Car!

Mark was picking me up and told me all about his new car. I was a little surprised and wondered where he got the money from. As we reached the car park he showed me to a blue sedan... with my number plates on it. I got really angry that he would sell my car and buy a piece of crap sedan.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

House of Bathrooms

I was in a house with a tiled floor. The interesting point about the tiles was the two contrasting lines running down the hall. If you stepped or touched these lines a giant worm with teeth would come out and try to eat you.

We were looking for something, so we moved through the house checking all the rooms when I got to a corner and noticed a man working in an office. He came out so I hid in a bathroom, then ducked out and ran past the office door and around the next corner to... another bathroom. Realising it was a dead end I ran back past the office before he could come back, but I was too late and had to duck out a side door into the garden.

Across from my exit there was another door into a room in the garden so I crept across and opened it... another bathroom. I gave up and crept back into the house and past the office and was making my way to the front door. I stepped into the dining room before realising there was anyone there and the lady of the house saw me immediately and began shouting, so I ran for it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tea Party

I've been forgetting to update this. Oops!

I was getting everything ready for a tea party with cushions on the ground and a low table to spread out all the yummy cakes. My old dog was there and I told her to turn into a rabbit, but she wouldn't. I told her "hurry up and turn into a rabbit before mum gets here or you'll wreck the tea party!"

Friday, October 7, 2011

Monkey Cuddles

I was at a quilting club and a lady opened a box and handed me a monkey. It lay curled up in my arms for ages and I was sad to have to put it back in the box when the lady had to go home.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


After a hard days work I was walking to the bus when I spotted the actor who plays Mitchell in Modern Family and asked for his autograph for Mark's Dad.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Matrix for Idiots

I was a character in a world that was a cross between the movies Idiocracy and The Matrix. I know this because part of the way through I realised what movies I was dreaming about. I was in a town that looked normal, but it was years in the future. The only things I could find to eat were chips in a vending machine that had been there for years because noone could prepare food. Even most vending machines were empty because noone knew how to refill them.

A guy in a suit started following me so I jumped in a car with someone I knew and we drove to the hills. We stopped at a lovely old farmhouse and I took a shower to get rid of the stench of the city, but the suit guy found us again and we had to climb out a window and get back in the car.

He morphed through the wall to get to us and I started laughing and lost the dream.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Potions and Holograms

With some urgency I locked myself in my small medieval alchemy lab which had a sleeping pallet to one side and turned to a strange contraption. A hologram of a wizard appeared and he started giving me instructions. In the final step he held out his hands and I took a fine red powder which I added to my brew. I'd done it! I'd created a gingerbread drink!! It was delicious and then I went to sleep.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Icky Battlefield Part 2

If you haven’t already, please read Part 1

Tomorrow we will be forming up ranks in front of the castle in the distance. But first, there is something about that building in the middle which is surrounded by trees. Something not quite right... Where is Rand?

I go to the building and everything is eerily quiet. I carefully open the door and sneak inside. The corridor is winding and there are no doors or entrances until the other end. A heavy wooden door is ajar so I slip through into a small workshop. There is a small catapult that needs oiling and a cement ball, freshly cast, that needs the burrs removed. As quietly as possible I do these things.

I hear a sound from beyond the door and for the first time notice a second door out of this room too. It sounds like Rand is talking to someone... Aughra! And they’re coming this way... but then they stop and a secret door opens in the wall. This isn’t good... I go through the second door and make my way back to the barracks, taking the catapult equipment with me (somehow). After describing what happened we decide instead that the real war will be focused on that small building, and we will strike tonight instead, hopefully before Rand is turned into an Icky.

New end!

Icky Battlefield Part 1

I was forming up ranks of troops. We were in a siege with a castle, hoping our magic users would tip the scales and allow us to defeat the hell spawn.

"I'm not going to be much use on the outer edge." I say to my second. "Keep the pressure on. Don't break unless you see the signal, then retreat as if the devil himself is on your tail..." (cause he probably will be)

I make my way back to the centre of the battlefield and a cheer goes up. On the edge of the disfigured creatures we can see peering over the edge of the castle battlements we spot a push from human figures and the Queen's short raven black hair is seen leading a skirmish among the monsters. The cheer is short lived as she herself draws the first arrow and looses it among our troops. She is but a puppet on a string, being used to crush our moral.

"Whatever is controlling her has to be close..." I mutter and a soldier nearby points over his shoulder and says "Maybe they're in there sir." I notice for the first time an area of dense forest directly behind us and make my way to it bringing the soldier for backup.

The forest, while black from the outside is surprisingly open once we hold aside a few branches. Something moves in a far corner and I shine my torch on it. It is the size of a medium dog and its many scuttling black legs allow it to move with surprising speed and it is quickly upon us. I have time to reach my dagger and take a couple of swipes at it. The soldier does the same, but loses his footing and sits down hard. Its strangely humanoid face is distorted in a scream and I recognise it as a thing called an "Icky"... it scuttles to the soldier, clawing at his pants. I take another swipe at its legs and then stab it in the eye. It squeals and takes off through the gap in the branches out to the soldiers. "Someone stop that thing! Stop the Icky!" I yell running after it, but most recoil in horror or make only cursory attempts to attack it.

It stops in front of one of the magic users who bends down and picks it up. It snuggles into his arm. "What are you doing? That thing attacked us!" I say.

"This is Rand." Says the magic user. (Yes, as in the Rand from Wheel of Time series)

"What?! How can that be?" I exclaim. "Shit... that means..." I run back to the forest opening.

I grab the soldier who is still sitting on the ground in shock and pull him out of the way then shine the torch around. To the left on a platform above us is Aughra (yep, Dark Crystal reference) and Ishmael. Aughra cackles evilly then they disappear.

It seems as though we won’t be winning this war...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Falling Down Syndrome

I can't remember what I was doing, but a man appeared yelling at me and trying to grab me so I kicked him in the balls and ran off. (A perfectly natural reaction since I was only about 10 years old in this dream)

I kept falling over and a woman videotaped me on her camera phone, but my older brother saw her and grabbed her phone. She demanded it back so he threw it hard on the ground and we heard and audible crack. He helped me up and we walked to his house. I was holding his hand, and I fell over a couple more times.

When we got to his house I noticed the back door was open and the creepy man was there. I yelled at my brother "Why would you let him in?" and he said "I'm not really you’re brother." I got confused at this and woke up.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Slow Motion Doorway

I walked past a homeless guy who was arguing with a street busker in the mall and everything turned to slow motion*. I struggled to move one foot in front of the other and noticed the doorway I normally walk through to work was covered over by a bookshelf with dvds on it. Behind that there looked like there was something else, so I decided to climb the bookshelf. Very slowly I made it to the top and there was another bookshelf behind it with books and magazines. Behind that it looked like there was a door I'd never seen before. I began trying to climb over the top of the two shelves when I woke up.

* Slow motion like this generally means I'm on the edge of waking up and forcing myself to stay in the dream. It is like moving through thick mud.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hitler's Tears

Running for our lives from German soldiers down a corridor we found a doorway to a room and burst through to find a hiding place. There was a pile of cushions and boxes so I decided to try and hide there, but as I turned around I saw we were in Hitler's sitting room and he was there! As the soldiers with guns burst into the room I started throwing cushions at Hitler and he burst into tears.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Suddenly... Houses

I woke up and went to take a shower, then suddenly released the floor tiles were a different colour. I looked up and every tile was different. The tiles were all different sizes and colours and each one had a little house motif on them. Where the shower screen normally is was another wall with a window and outside the window was a little window box with flowers.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sandy Moments

I ran along a beach for a long time until I got to the MCG and climbed up through a hatch. I'd finally caught up with the others and now we were all underneath the grandstands and there were a lot of spiderwebs. I decided to go back to the beach, but instead found myself in a comic book store but the floor was made of sand.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Foxy Lady

I was watching an exotic dancer and near the end of her act she sat kneeling down with her back to us and she transformed into a fox woman. I realised that I would be able to transform too, but I didn't know how so I watched carefully, then afterwards had my body guards introduce her to me so that I could ask her questions about how she transformed.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I'll Form The Head

I was at work and I received a phone call from someone wanting a website. After they explained what they wanted me to do they proceeded to tell me that they would only pay $2-3 and it had to be done by the end of the week....

After work I went to the station to wait for my bus, but instead of a bus a train arrived, and it was a steam train but there were no carriages, just the engine. It blew the whistle and then continued through the station.

I walked to a room and someone asked about a cosplay I was building. Luckily the 5 other people I was making it with were there so we could show how our giant Gundam suit went together and how we had planned it so we'd each be a part and we'd join together to complete the robot. ("And I'll form the head!"... actually I was an arm)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Eunuch and Sweet Cakes

A Eunuch gathered a large group of young women and led us to a dining hall in a large manor house. There was a long banquet table lined with tea and sweet cakes of every imaginable kind. At the end of the hall was a set of double doors. Every now and then the door would open and the Eunuch would take one of the girls to go inside. Sometimes we'd hear screams from the other side.

Behind the door rumours said that the lord of the manor had his bed chamber. I couldn't make out whether he was a vampire or just had a penchant for young women - possibly raping and mutilating them. I started to ask questions, but was silenced and woke up...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Of Rice and Men

There was a turkey that was not well so I put one of my chickens with it for company. Elsie was scared of it and not happy. I had to take her away again but the turkey liked its chicken friend and was following me around.

Then we found a German shepherd dog and it had to go to the pound. Two men put it in a small room in a building. The room was made of concrete with a wire door, but it was also then put in a smaller cage inside this because they were worried it would get into the rice store. I thought this was cruel so when they were putting the dog in the little cage I locked the wire door with a padlock. Turns out they were Nazi's and the rice was stolen.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Murder and Pringles

We were setting up tables and chairs on an oval. The chairs had to be built from scratch from flat packs and the oval was near a block of units. I kept hearing conversations from one of the units and it sounded like a man was beating his wife. After collecting several lots of chair packs I stopped for a rest under the unit to try and hear more. I leaned against a hedge and the wife's head fell out of the bushes.

Horrified I tried to tell people I was working with but only one other person listened. The man (who incidentally was Jhonen Vasquez) knew that we knew he'd killed his wife so he was attempting to get us away from the others so he could kill us too. We hid on board a train that was heading to a different town. When the train stopped we were discovered on board and had to pay for all the pringles the crew had eaten.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Getting the Band Back Together

A few people I knew in highschool had invited me for a few drinks and a catchup, but their motive was to get the band back together. We played a couple of tunes, with myself on the bass guitar, and while we sounded good I ultimately said it wasn't going to happen and I had no real interest in playing with them more.

(incidentally I have never played in a band, not even in highschool...)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Big Wizards

I was on my way to an anime convention and noticed a friend had a large pram and her two small cousins were inside. We had to go down a very slippery steep road, over a creek and up another hill to get to our destination... with the pram. It was a struggle.

At the top of the hill we found a large rotunda instead of a convention and people were sitting waiting for someone to arrive. It was supposed to be a teacher of some sort, but Gargamel who was about 20 feet tall (from the smurfs) arrived with Luggage (form Discworld). He was angry and we were all scared and everyone started running in different directions. We saw a car, but we couldn't use it because it had 5 large diamonds chained to the bumper with heavy chain which prevented it from starting. We tried to cut the chains, then someone said they had the keys to unlock the chains and we had to work out which of the 5 keys went with each chain... Gargamel discovered us and asked us why we were trying to steal his car.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I was in a newsagent talking with the salesperson and a woman came up to buy a card. She was 15 cents short and got really angry and was yelling about how they must have increased prices recently. I got annoyed at how rude she was and told her not to speak to the salesperson like that. I ended up paying the 15 cents just to make her shut up and go away.

Next I went to join a line for something and a really fat woman rushed over and pushed her way in front of me just as I got to the end of the line. She then called her fat husband and son over as well and I got irrate and started telling her off for pushing in. She conceded to go behind me and then stood as close as possible so I could feel her breath. Ick. I wanted to punch her so badly but figured at her size she would probably fair better in a physical fight.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Refugee Status?

I was a refugee from somewhere and I'd been given 3 cats and my own room with 2 bunk beds - that makes a bed for each of us. The room was full of art books and inspiration and music and awesome things so every day I would draw and create. There was an overall feeling not to get too comfortable because it could all be taken away at any point.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Golden Road

At work it was raining heavily and the building manager was attempting to close the roof. The roof had various layers like petals that weren't quite overlapping so we were moving electronic equipment and setting up buckets. Once that was done I decided to go home and was thankful for an umbrella.*

I walked through the mall past a street artist who was gilding the foot path. Literally a yellow brick road - bricks covered with gold leaf. I turned down a side alley and there was a costume store. One of the costumes that caught my eye was supposed to be one of the thundercats, but it was made out of laytex and the idea was to sew yourself into it and then body paint the rest... There were several people I knew from highschool in the shop looking at the costumes so I stopped to say hi.

* later this same day I discovered a leak in my roof and had to get into the ceiling space to fix it... damn prophetic dreams!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Raw Parking

We needed food for the chickens so we got in the car with my grandparents and started driving to the store. Half way there we stopped in the middle of a round about and everyone got out. "You can't park here!" I said, and no-one listened, so I had to run round to the drivers side while people honked their horns at me and I drove the rest of the way. Instead of buying grain, we bought minced meat for the chickens, but everyone got back in the car and started eating the meat raw. Ewww...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Puzzles & Water

Being chased by a bad guy reaches new levels of fun when you realise you need two types of keys which can only be obtained by solving a complex puzzle involving levers and gears. I pulled on lever which flipped a huge wheel onto its side releasing all the water out of the pool. The wheel rolled onto a round knot that was previously hidden under the water and a previously hidden compartment opened in the rock face. There were two keys and inside and once they were fitted to the right lock and three barely visible machine screws were tightened (where did that screwdriver come from?) the whole cliff rumbled and opened.

We followed a path around and were climbing up onto a narrow concrete edge on a dam when the bad guy who I had cast as my uncle caught up to us. We managed to get to the top of the dam wall and opened a valve that caused the bottom area to flood which made following us impossible.

Further on I was jogging down a road and it started to rain. I sheltered under a bus shelter, then realised it wasn't raining that hard and my house was only a 5 minute jog away so I ran for it. But it turns out my house wasn't there after all, it was actually a shopping centre... at least I could get dry...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Night Monsters

Every night as it got dark creatures would come out and terrorise everyone. The only way to get rid of them were with our magic wands which were like light sabers. As the light passed through the creature it would disappear back to the parallel universe it was from. We went to our tent and there was a huge bear shaped creature sleeping nearby. We didn't bother it, but got rid of two smallf lying creatures on the way. We couldn't sleep so we got up again and were walking around. The bear woke up and rushed at us. I'd forgotten my wand, but bluffed it by pretending to attack. It fell for it and luckily stopped attacking us but my friend was annoyed that I'd forgotten my wand because the thing would have killed us otherwise.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dream Troll

I was chatting on MSN to an old friend who is into metal music and he invites me to add 6 other people to the chat and they're all sharing links and pictures. I've got my music on so it updates my MSN as each song changes. Someone jokes about a particular song by Icehouse which makes the friend rage and I realise that I have that song, so I put it on. I troll people even in my dreams XD

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Perfect Defenses

I was renovating my house and had painted all the downstairs rooms. I walk upstairs and realise that there is a door which opens to the outside, but instead of a balcony it is a sheer drop straight down into a canal. I think how perfect this is as it provides great defenses for the pirate ship and I have an anvil on a metal chain that I'll be able to drop through the door which will hopefully crash through the ship and sink it.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Beware the Bears

It is night and I am driving with Mark from house to house in a circuit - after going around the 4 or 5 different places the road loops around and starts from the beginning again. The roads are dirt and most of the houses are for chickens. We don't stop, but continue to a house where two people live and make cake. It is the only safe place to stop because of the bears.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Planetary Portals

I am in a large room with many doors leading from it. There is a large symbol/seal on the stone floor. If opened correctly each of the doors create a portal to another world. I open one which is a portal to Ulysses, but the world doesn't seem right. Corruption has taken over and greed has pushed most of the population - whom are each at least 4 times larger than a human - into poverty. We go back to Earth and people are guarding our portal door. The issues on Ulysses were caused after Earth liberated them from a dictator and started buying up their ore, but now we worry they are looking to our green planet with envious eyes.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Creek Conflict

A walk along a creek with my dog turned abruptly sour when 3 vehicles aimed for me. I jumped the creek and went up an incline amongst some large rocks and trees and 3 people got out of their cars and followed. My dog disappeared and suddenly I had a gun in my hand. I shot 2 of the people then got away while the third saw to his comrades.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Head Wizard

Entering my room in a tower I see my dragon egg on the window sill. It has stopped moving and I fear it has failed to hatch. I hear noses outside and see two wizards fighting - one wearing black and the other white. The white one falls and the black one disappears.

I rush from the room and down winding stairs to a different area of the huge castle - to the white wizards room. As I enter the wizards library a floating transparent head appears and begins to speak. It tells me that if I am seeing it then he must be dead and it is my fault. I should have used my magic to hatch my dragon egg and have it carry me from the window to interrupt the fight - a fight that the white wizard started to test my skills.

I am exclaiming to the floating wizard head message that my dragon didn't hatch and he hadn't taught me the spells he is talking about when I realise that one of the other teachers is standing behind me. She has a grim expression and I start exclaiming to her how stupid it is and that I can't be held accountable for this.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Secret Room

We went around to Dave's new place and I asked him how things were going. He says "pretty good" then presses a secret button and the wall behind him opens up a giant room that has a large shallow pool with a fountain, sand sculptures and a hot tub. It was like the secret "executives bathroom" from The Simpsons.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Public Transport

I got to the end of the line just as another bus arrived at the terminal. It parked behind the first two buses and opened its doors straight away so quite a few people got on. When there were only 25 seats left the bus driver closed the doors to leave. The other two buses pulled away at the same time and we saw there were still a lot of people lining up.

As we were driving away we noticed one of the other buses had pulled up beside us. It was packed and the driver started having an argument with our driver about leaving before he had a full load. Our driver started cursing at the other driver saying that he still had other stops before getting to the city and what if other people wanted to get on the bus then. He exclaims he usually picks up 20 people on the way (hmm that still means there would have been seats free...)

We continued on to the city without picking up a single other person. I think our driver got into trouble...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Finish Him

I was watching a sword fighting melee. I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but the back of one of the fighters heads was cut open and his brain was exposed. He screamed for someone to "finish it" and someone chopped his head of at the neck. I look down and realise I'm wearing fighting equipment and carrying a sword. There is no way I am going in there... I speak to the quartermaster about forfeiting but it is not allowed. There are only minutes to go before I have to step into the ring so I duck under one of the raised viewing platforms and remove my armour then slip out the back and duck down an alley. I find a dress and change into it and hope I'm not missed...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

To Space!!

I was an astronaut about to take my first trip into orbit. We were put into the space ship, but then it needed to be moved by truck to the launch site. While that was happening we took our seats and started final checks. I found crumbs from schnitzel and chips on my seat so the first thing out of my mouth when the commander asked for my checks was "Where is the hoover? Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I should have to clean this shit!!"

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Un-Stage Show

We were at a stage show a bit like Wizard of Oz meets Harry Potter but instead of being on a stage it was at ground level behind a fence. There were some amazing moving props and people were enjoying it more like a band, going to get drinks and coming back to see a bit more.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Disk Phenomenon

On an alien planet people were dying. A huge round disk would raise up out of the ground lifting you high into the sky... after it descended you would just be dead. There was only one survivor and she came back to Earth. Each year the same strange phenomenon would happen to her, but she would survive. She would know when it is coming so she would head to an isolated area of land and the huge blue platform would lift her up - sometimes as high as the Earths atmosphere - and then return her to the ground and disappear again. For some reason her platform had a force field that maintained the same conditions as ground level.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Blue Alien Game

We'd been developing a new game where little blue men create a whole world from a fairly uninhabitable looking planet. I was supposed to test it, but I'd left it running for 6 hours while I did other things. I didn't realise you had to keep watch on what the little guys were doing and they'd got a whole supply chain muddled up and needed me to help them finish their pyramid. Just as I was getting them sorted again we were invaded by big white grasshopper aliens and half of my colony got wiped out.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hot Pockets

Feeling hungry, we broke into someone's apartment to microwave our hot pockets. We had a key, but didn't realise that there was an alarm. As it started to sound I refused to leave as my hot pocket had another 20 seconds left. As soon as the microwave dinged, we ran for the elevator. One of the lifts was coming up and we thought it might be the police coming up to check out the alarm so we ran down the stairwell one floor and caught the elevator from there instead.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Swords and magic were the best ways to defeat zombies, but the hoards kept coming and we three found ourselves trapped in a building and started to move upstairs. We came across a man and his daughter and decided to take them with us too. Up we went through several floors of stairwells until we came upon a kitchen.

At first we thought they were more zombies, but there were about 8 people, resigned to their fate and having their last meal. "Don't eat the meat" I told the girl as I realised the carcass looked human. "It's ok." says one of the people. "He was turning, so we had to kill him anyway. Wouldn't want him to go to waste, would you? You should eat. Might be the last meal you get in a while."

The people thought that was hysterical and devolved into cackling laughter. "We've got to keep going." I whispered, but at that moment we heard something big and it was coming this way. We got ready, but as the huge zombified monster stepped into view we realised it was ignoring us completely and it continued its slow amble past. We got up and headed in the direction it came from... more stairs, until we were at the top of a platform and there was only a ceiling above us. I pushed the panels and they came apart easily and we climbed up into a huge enclosed stadium.

The stadium was empty, with a large sliding door on one end and a scoreboard in the centre. Next to the scoreboard was a hot air balloon. We realised we had climbed about 8 levels, but ended up on the ground floor again!! Outside was swarming with zombies, the only way was up... We went to the hot air balloon and there was a man asleep in the bottom of the basket. He was indignant when we took control and set its steady progression towards the roof where we could see a trap door......

Monday, June 27, 2011

Squeeky Clean

Mum washed the hair dryer in the sink then was complaining that it didn't work anymore. I should have been glad it wasn't plugged in at the time, but I couldn't help rolling my eyes as I continued to clean the cupboards.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Pong's Eternal Struggle

In the cupboard I found a old console system for Pong, which had a commemorative book and video. The video went into how Pong is more than just a simple game, with the two sides referencing the struggle between the Confederates and the Union and the ball representing humanities eternal struggle. The video then showed rednecks referring to "shooting those damn coons" at which point I turned off the video and decided that even though I loved Pong it probably wasn't appropriate material to share with my mother.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Upside Down Wine

Mark decided that all the bottles of wine we own needed to be turned upside down to keep them fresh and delicious. Balancing wine bottles upside down on a shelf is hard, even in a dream.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lime Green

I was looking at a bright lime green country style kitchen and contemplating if I liked the green (and would buy the house), or if I didn't like the green at all. Suddenly the room was full of people for lunch. Mark's mum brought cucumber sandwiches and his aunty brought quiche.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Software and Sun

I went into a computer store and the owner was telling me about how they had proprietary anti-virus software, but they couldn't put it on the shelves because they had an agreement with Microsoft that they wouldn't sell it. So instead they just tell everyone that they have the other software instead. I finally left the store and we were going to go to Nans house for dinner. It was hot so we decided to drive. We passed a huge mansion which had an atrium for the top floor - it was my house and I thought to myself that I had better check if the atrium is clean as it looked like all the trees had lost their leaves. We arrive at Nans house and are pleased because there is a shady place to park the car, and the sun is going down quite quickly.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Break In

I was a little boy and a creepy man broke into my house with a gun, but I managed to sneak out and was running along a dirt track with my dog. He tracked us down, so we started heading towards some industrial buildings where they made tractor tyres, but the man had beaten us there and was telling the worker that a kid with a dog had run away from home and to call him if he sees me. I creep past a few more big sheds and see a truck just pulling up at a barn. I decide he probably hasn't been influenced by the man and ask him to drive me (and the dog) to NCIS.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chinese Arts

Sun Li was 10... 4 years older than the age when she was supposed to marry, and I was supposed to marry her. Yes, I was a 30 year old Chinese man - her appearance kept changing between that of a 10 year old child and that of a 20 year old woman. So I decided against the marriage and taught her some martial arts instead.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Gothic House

We were inspecting a house we might like to rent and went up some wooden stairs into a 60s style kitchen. The current owners - a little old couple - were at home and offered us a glass of orange juice. They needed to go out so they left us to finish looking around. We went into a narrow hallway and found a door that didn't look like a door. I don't think we were supposed to go in there, but we went in and up some stairs. The room we found had very high ceilings and gothic looking furniture with the only light coming from the fireplace. There was a pointy black cat which was possessed and started following us around. We decided to leave and went back down the stairs - the cat followed us. Then we realised that the owners hadn't left, they were actually dead. We ran to the car to leave, and the cat continued to follow us...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Petting Zoo!

After shopping we were heading back to the multi storey carpark, but Mark had forgotten which floor we were on. I hit the button for the top floor. There is a petting zoo that had llamas and chickens. Some of the chickens had beautiful bright pink feathers and I wanted to take them home, but Mark wouldn't let me. Then, when we found the car Mark wants to go back to the shops because he forgot to buy his Mum a bag of pistachios.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Immitates Life

Arming up to shoot a ghost the other person suddenly turns the gun on me. I say "wait... I need to go to the toilet"... and then I woke up and needed to go to the toilet...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Reset and Isolation

There were no other humans around. I had to make my way around a building (in 2D - imagine Duke Nukem) and turn off and on 10 switches. Once I'd found and reset the last switch everything was back to glorious 3D and the people were all back. I walked down a corridor and into a room which was bright shining white with lots of silver displays and gauges. I was instructed to get into a "bath" which was actually a sensory deprivation pod, but the water inside was scorching hot. I kept my shoes on...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Eurovision Who?

Mark decided to set up mousetrap and monopoly, but then nobody wanted to play with him because Eurovision was on. He wasn't impressed because the first act was people in Doctor Who costumes doing an interpretive dance. All was redeemed when the next act was midgets in funny bright costumes singing an ABBA song.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mud and Books

As if hiking through the mud up a hill isn't fun enough, the teachers on this excursion decided to let us line up in the rain at a book store in the middle of nowhere to purchase a particular text book.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Meteor Portals

I built an amazing turtle pond and just as I was adding the finishing touches for a very happy turtle I notice there is a lot of snow and ice around. I hear a huge crash and realise a meteor has just crashed into the ground about half a kilometre away. I fly to the location (yes, fly), but instead of a crater there is a huge byzantine style stone gazebo but the openings are shimmering and blue and I wonder if it is a portal to another world.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tidal Wave

I had dinner with a Japanese family and then walked along a dark road to meet up with friends. At a point in the road there was a depression, like a creek. We started crossing when Harris says "have fun with that" and climbs up a barricade. I am not quick enough and a huge wave crashes into me, drenching me completely. Everyone else is dry. Our final destination is a very cool tree house.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Silence isn't Golden

Sitting in a waiting room, I tried to strike up a conversation with a woman. She was silent at first, then we started talking. Turns out she hadn't spoken to anyone for 15 years. She thanked me and I gave her the little cat keychain that was on my bag.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

So Many Hats!

I was taking an art class with Alison and once that finished we went down four escalators to get out of the shopping mall. Luckily we were going down because most of the up escalators ended in mid air and I imagine people going up them were going to fall off, but we didn't stay to find out. Outside, we went to Alisons car to go home, but she had to adjust a lot of nuts and bolts before we could leave, specifically the ones on the sun roof...

Finally we were on our way and we drove up a dirt road past an old building with chairs set up out the front in rows. They all had different hats on them - all sorts of colours, styles and many decorated with coloured ribbons and flowers in stark contrast to the building and rest of the scenery. Then we went past a horse which was pulling an elaborate black carriage before finding the bitumen road again and heading home.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Lego Car

I made a life size car out of lego. It was like a giant lego crate with little wheels and an engine in the front somehow. A bully tried to break it, but I sure showed her! Then I showed my mum how to drive it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Giant Soccer

I was driving in a city when suddenly a set of lights started flicking colours and there was traffic chaos. Everyone got out of their cars and we could hear a booming noise in the distance that was getting closer. It was about 20 giants and they were playing soccer. We were all instructed to head to the stadium and watch them and if we didn't it was liekely they would use us as soccer balls.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Colouring In

I was visiting my old work, except instead of an IT company it was now a kawaii store like Morning Glory and we all sat down at a table and drew pictures on large sheets of paper with textas.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Angry Letter!

I noticed that a stretch of shops all had eviction notifications out the front. Someone I knew had been putting them up. I yelled at her for destroying the livelyhood of so many people, then went to slam the door, but it was a soft close door and really didn't have the effect I was looking for. I tried to slam it a second time...

Next I started visiting each of the shops to find out what was going on. The eviction notice stated they should have been out 3 days ago, but they had only just found out. I was going to write a very angry letter to the council.

(yeah... that's how I roll)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mushrooms and Fake Moustaches

Alien parasites had infiltrated my town - the kind that attach themselves, but let the person continue to move around as normal, until they have enough in place that they could take over almost everyone. Of course, I was not infected so I was escaping through a tunnel with two children. Except the tunnel was above ground and was made out of pallets which needed to be moved around in order to crawl through, and there were mushrooms everywhere. I think they were the magic kind...

At the end of the pallet tunnel was a burlesque bar and the door was curved at the top like you would expect to see in a castle. In order to get the kids in they dressed up like pimps with fake moustaches. The disguise completely fooled our alien overlords.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tea and Cake!

A lovely dream... A cup of tea, a piece of chocolate cake and the company of mixed media artist Suzi Blu who was quilting instead of painting while sitting in a sunroom which faced South (that was important). Then the neighbour brought over her big dogs and they were trying to get the cake from the kitchen table. No doggies! No cake for you!!

Coincidentally Suzi Blu's blog is called "A Lovely Dream"...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lordi Hallelujah

I was at an anime convention and was tired of being followed by a couple of guys so I went into an office building where I ripped the tulle off my skirt so I would look more like a receptionist. I accidentally interrupted a board room meeting, then locked myself in a bathroom. When the guys found me they were able to open the door a small way as it had one of those little chain locks and one of them gave me a frozen pizza. The other said I could never beat him at hide and seek.

The dream changed and I was riding on the roof of a bus in Finland. I got off at my stop and walked past a house which was having a party. I shook Mr Lordi's hand and Hard Rock Hallelujah started to play, then I noticed how dark and creepy Finland was and how there was only one street of houses...

Unfortunately my alarm went off before I could see what it was that was about to emerge from the darkness.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Carpark Parkour

A strangely mangled dream barely remembered about a guy with a shaved head. He was doing Parkour to try to evade cops who had barricades and road blocks in a car park to try and catch him for some reason. Also the guy was a sculptor...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Giant Wings and Mortal Combat

"You haven't even started the essay?" No I hadn't, so I needed to get home. I was offered a lift by someone I knew and we hadn't even gone 2 minutes before I yell "the road is blocked!" and he crashes through a fence. "Stop the damn car" I yell as he almost drives into a creek. "Idiot! The creek is on the other side of the road too!!" as he does a u-turn and this time does drive into the creek. I climb out of the window and get back to dry land, then walk back to where I started.

"That didn't work out, did it?" Says John. "Where's Ale?" I ask. "Oh you can't see her anymore"... I'm confused, but decide to just go home. I start walking and the dog I had when I was little is by my side.

I stop to rest and see Ale wearing giant paper wings walk past. (what the hell...) "It would be a good idea to see if your name is on one of the cards in the Newsagent" (wait... where did the newsagent come from?) I find one that says "Kelly vs John.... FIGHT!" in Mortal Combat style... wait, no this one is for Ale and is from someone she knows. I give it to her and she is really happy, but I am still laughing about the Mortal Combat reference and the dream collapses.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Apples for Duchess

I was the Duchess of Canterbury around 100 years ago (or it could have been 1400-1500CE judging by the morphing dream fashion and strange sense of time). After arriving at church it is discovered that in another church a lord has been murdered and the blame is being laid at my feet. Since the clergy had been witness to my being in their church at the time the murder is said to have taken place they give me sanctuary and attempt to discover what really happened. I am made to wait in a luxuriously furnished tower room and feel a bit like Mary Queen of Scots.

The dream morphs as I stop reading my book and exit the bus. I walk to the supermarket and a man with a trolley of groceries asks for a volunteer. I step forward as no one else is willing and he announces that I have won all the items in the trolley. I feel happy at seeing a nice bag of red apples on the top.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

At the Office

After walking up and down multiple flights of stairs to get back to work after lunch I found several people I know had just dropped in to say "Hi". They then proceeded to do magic tricks with a deck of cards and a ball of wool.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mermaid Tales

I was a mermaid that was living on land and my hair was really really long but I had to cut off exactly 1 foot every year and throw it in the ocean or I would loose my legs. Also I lived on Jack Sparrows ship from Pirates of the Carribean and slept in a tent with the chickens...